I wish for you that the year ahead would be full of achievements, personal growth, and learning. Happy new year folks!
In reality, it is just another month gone by, another month coming fast. The older we get the faster time goes by. I have never had a real New Years’ resolution. Mostly because I think people should do ‘resolutions’ more often. I have always had more like a “new months’ promise”. Of course there are some months there is nothing big to promise and usually, January is the month that is hardcore starting nicely with all of my habits I am trying to learn or keep.
Well, I started my year by getting sick. The first seconds were, of course, kissing my loved one, the first hours were chatting with a really sweet girl-friend I have and dancing with my loved one, but the first day started out with me laying down after catching a cold.
I am not sick quite often. Actually more like once a year. When I do get sick, I usually get super weak. I guess that is my way of going through it. I do go to work if there is no fever and I can walk. But when I am off with no plans, it means I am going to lie down all day and seriously feel sick. I can’t even really remember my first day of the year because of my head being FAT and dizzy.
I think it is good to be sick once in a longer-while. Just so I could remember how amazing it is to be healthy. Plus how easy is a workout when my body is 100%. When my body is not 100% then mind has to work all those missing % harder and it exhausts a little.
Alrighty, I am getting hella off the track.
I love the idea of people making up goals for the new year, even if they are too big, unrealistic or something that everyone knows will be stopped practicing or reaching in one month. How else we will learn to know ourselves?
I love the goals of any kind. I do my to-do lists for a day, month, year. I do challenges for a workday or a day off. For example: “Today I won’t get angry.”
I love lists and lining down the things that are done. It motivates me many times more and of course, it is many times easier to remember what I even planned to do. Even basic things like cut my nails. I don’t like to keep everything on the top of my head and always replaying the list so I wouldn’t forget anything. Kind of keeps the new ideas away from me when I am trying to remember something that could be written down in a list.
Lists are great and I will tell about the trick and hack another day.
Today I just wanted to talk about- what do I want to say at the end of 2019?
I am strong and healthy.
Well, first off, I don’t really want to be sick on the last and the first day of the year. The best time to be sick is in autumn or early spring. When it’s raining, but it is not too cold outside, so you can still go for a walk.
I want to say confidentially that I eat good, sleep good, work enough, work out more and deeper than ever, socialize enough, love a lot and be loved a lot, learn a lot.
I have seriously taken my mental health into my own hands.
I am going to make this year extremely about me. Now don’t get me wrong, that is not meant the way that my ego is so big I don’t care about anyone or anything else. I mean that I will learn to do it healthily. I want to be and say that I am strong in my mind, I want to say that I love myself completely and infinitely.
I do what I love
I have mostly succeeded this, but human life is constantly changing and ideas come and go. I want to keep that feeling alive. Hobbies, work, free time, anything that takes my time, should be chosen by me and grow me, make me feel happy, relaxed or right.
I know what I own and everything I own has to offer a purpose, joy or value to my life.
I don’t want to collect a lot of stuff this year, I actually wish to own less. I have been practicing my MiniMatu lifestyle for a few months and I actually love it. I love getting rid of the things that are extra, plus I have fallen in love with the energy that starts moving with a controlled environment. Which simply means that you don’t collect sheet.
I can do a handstand.
This is a thing that will take a really long time to be like a pro at, but I really want this year, to finally actually do it and this year to be the year of the beginning of upside-down Matu.
These are the main five personal targets I have. For me, these are really big achievements and this is actually the third year of me working on myself. Now the difference between last years and this is that my resolutions are actually more detailed than before. I know more and I have already achieved something. I already know the feeling of getting better. I also know the feeling of getting better while getting worse, so this is why I really want to work on myself.
Bonus resolution third year in a row – read 18 books.
Goodreads offers a really awesome challenge, showing the total information about the challenge and your personal. Last year I read 17 books and my goal was ten. 2017 my goal was 12, I read only nine. It actually motivates me, to get a bigger number and I have fallen into a habit to read, I enjoy it a lot, not like 2017 and 5 before when I had fallen into the technology land. But see, I will not set unrealistic goals or pressuring goals, I need to see myself there first, then I can grow the number.

Now a really important part about New Years’ resolution. What Google says about it –
A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their lives.
Do you see any time limit? Do you see any set of time when you HAVE to start? Do you see that you have to change it in one day, all of it? Do you see that you can try only once?
I guess that is one of the things that people do wrong, they start because society tells them, they forget to take into account the best time for them. Best time, of course, is NOW. But in reality, a habit won’t go if you do it just because. You have to actually want to and the best way to is to start slowly so you wouldn’t scare yourself off. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ADDICTION OF DRUGS, ALCOHOLISM OR ANY KIND OF HABIT LIKE THAT since I have no experience in it.
I am talking about for example-
Eating – every month leave out something bad, bring in something good for you, start learning to or cook more yourself.
Working out – set goals and start out just finding 2 days every week to work out at least 1 hour for 2 months. Don’t skip a day, only change a day. Make a calendar and DO IT. In months it has turned more or less into a habit and you may find yourself wanting to do it more, if not you are probably doing a workout not suitable for you. Set out goals for a week and month.
More time in real life – every week find one day when you don’t go to any social media account, set the time when it is the last hour to go on the phone at night.
So, now all of you reading, I hope you have some good resolutions for yourselves, share them with your close friends or loved ones or family. Let them help you keep going and support you. Remember, you don’t have to start today (I can’t do handstands now, I am sick, I’ll do them when I am ready, not when the NEW YEAR tells me to). Do find a good time to start, set your mind on it, most important – make a plan, a to-do list, make it visual to yourself.
Just signing the membership contract of a sports club and paying every month won’t make you move as much as actually making a plan.
All the love to you guys and lets plan up!