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Feeling like I can do life

Madli Allikas

"It was the first time in a really really long time I felt happy. I think it was the first time ever I felt free. My brother had taken me to Kakerdaja. I always went to the forest with my family since I was a kid, but I never swam in complete silence, just with myself, with the sky, with no fear at all. It was summer 2014 and it was hot, like an actual summer. We went to nature a lot together, it was like our thing, our escape. I would never have guessed that it will stay that for a really long time, for forever. Silence is what I desire, silence is what I am afraid of. It's my weakness, it's my target. But the best feeling in the world is exactly what I felt floating in a clear lake looking at the sunset pink sky, feeling like I can do life."

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