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Madli Allikas

From a book written by Peter V. Brett (Demon Cycle #1-#5)

This book is one of my favorite books. I have read it twice, which I had not done before with any other book. (Recently I did read Jaan Tätte’s book the second time, but it was like 60 half written pages compared to the 600×4 pages of complicated texts).

Yes, as it says clearly demon cycle, it is about demons, not those scary ghosty ones, more like coming underground some kind of spiritual scary human eating animals. But besides demons, it is about love, family, religion, different cultures, languages, war, fear, death, fighting, surviving, magic, childhood, adulthood, time after us, relationships and birth. It’s seriously about everything and the book itself is written quite trickily. It takes focus to really get it. It means checking the vocabulary at the end of the book because it really has a complicated religion with complicated made up words, with tens of different demons and so on. The first part is actually like a typical book everyone can handle without vocabulary.

I found the book accidentally, I know maybe two others who have read it. It’s not that popular. I just borrowed it from the library and read it. Fell in love with it and read the other parts (that time there were only two first parts and the third one I stopped halfway.) The second time I read books 1-4. This was my own decision to leave out the last part. Even the fourth was already getting out of hands in my head and I read a lot that the fifth is getting really political. Well, I was more than happy to stop and leave it mystical and complicated as it was from the beginning.

Why am I talking about this?

I woke up and the first word in my head was – Inevera, which was one of the big characters names in the book. It also means “Will of Everam”. Everam is in this book like a god is in our world. But stronger. The Everam religion was really something. Knowing I am not strongly religious it was interesting to see a book built up half strong religion half just faith. Well in any case when I learned more deeply about Inevera I started to really adapt and like it. I don’t have to be religious to still believe a lot of things religious people do. I do believe strongly in fate. Which also was Inevera – they said in the book “it is Inevera”.

To make it simple – everything happens with a reason and has a consequence. Everything even a tiny action can change a lot. Be it good or bad, it is always Inevera and we have to make peace with it.

Imagine to be a palm tree – find your inner Inevera and bend to the wind, storm, survive through everything and adapt to the situation good on bad. Make peace with pain.

The meaning behind just one word can be so huge and to think that it is not even a real word, but the book made it’s way into my heart taking the word Inevera with it with a strong crip and now I actually base my thoughts a lot on it. I have thought countless times: “It’s Inevera”. To calm myself down.

I know it is the same like go with the flow, relax, take it easy, everything happens with a reason and so on and on, but it makes it easier when it is just one word including everything the word fate has behind it adding how to deal with it. Besides being a such a beautifully sounding word.

I do know some people don’t believe in fate and that is okay. We are all different. I, for example, don’t think someone one is behind our fate. It’s more in our hands and a universes’ response to us.

Let’s have a beautiful day now and make Inevera with our lives.

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